Contact Lens Evaluations

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Eye Exam and Contact Lens Evaluations – Serving the Bay Area & San Jose, CA

A contact lens evaluation is performed for all first-time wearers and existing contact lens wearers.

a woman stands in front of the mirror putting on her contact lenses

It is medically necessary to perform an evaluation annually to ensure the eyes are healthy, the vision is good, and the contact lenses are fitting properly. Without a consultation, the contact prescription cannot be renewed. Don't hesitate to call 20/20 Optometry of San Jose, CA, if you have any questions about contact lens evaluations.

Since the technology of contact lens is constantly changing, so does our contact lens fitting. Our goal as vision care professionals is to make sure your eyes are as healthy as can be. So even though you may have had no problems with your existing lenses, we will often fit you with newer generation lenses so that your eyes will see better, feel better, and be healthier too.

Our eye doctors are fitting many patients with specialty contacts such as scleral lenses and a hybrid contact lens, SynergEyes. These specialty lenses can be used on patients with keratoconus or irregular corneas. Scleral lenses are large hard contact lenses that are fitted on patients generally with moderate to advanced keratoconus or very distorted corneas. Often this is the only treatment available to help patients see.

The hybrid contact lens is another treatment option and this lens is part soft and part gas permeable. We fit more SynergEyes lenses than the rigid gas permeable lenses (RGP), because the SynergEyes contacts provide patients with HD or “high definition” vision with the comfort of a soft lens.

These lenses, like RGP contacts, work great on those patients whose prescriptions constantly change. These lenses help stabilize the vision and are often used in young children as a form of prevention of myopia progression. SynergEyes contacts will definitely help improve vision in those patients with distorted corneas, keratoconus, and post-refractive surgery patients. We welcome the challenge of fitting the “hard-to-fit” eyeballs.

Click here to learn more about how to insert & remove Duette contacts.

a 10-year-old boy is happy holding his contact lenses.

bay area contact lenses

Functional, Cosmetic, & Therapeutic Contact Lenses

We fit many types of contact lenses, whether cosmetic, functional, or therapeutic. We fit many patients with a disposable type of contact lens, meaning that you change your contact lenses more than once yearly. The disposable contacts are healthier, feel cleaner, give your eyes more oxygen and allow you to always have a back-up pair of contact lenses. The patient’s lifestyle helps the doctors determine which replacement schedule will work the best. We have some patients who have a combination of 1-day disposable contacts and 2-week disposable contact lenses. 

contact lenses in san jose

Types Of Contact Lenses We Fit

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Below are the different types of contact lenses we fit:

    Spherical disposable contacts
    Toric disposable contacts (corrects for astigmatism)
    Bifocal/ multi-focal disposable contacts
    Mono-vision disposable contacts
    Colored contacts
    One-day disposable contacts
    One-day disposable toric contacts
    Scleral lens for keratoconus/ irregular corneas
    Rigid gas-permeable contact lenses
    Bifocal gas-permeable contact lenses
    Orthokeratology (corneal reshaping)
    Therapeutic colored contacts (disfigured eyes)
    Duette hybrid contacts/bifocals