Frequently Asked Questions

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Family Eye Care Center in the San Jose & Santa Clara, CA

No matter how old or experienced you are, it's a good idea to be prepared for anything. Identifying the signs and symptoms of a possible eye problem can make all the difference in your treatment plan. Depending on your condition, it might even save your vision!

We all want to enjoy healthy, perfectly clear vision throughout our lifetimes. Having accurate information is the first step in maintaining your overall ocular health. In today's world, we are at more risk than ever of developing digital eye strain, damage due to diabetes, suffering from eye allergies, and other issues. If you have recently noticed a change in your vision or how your eye feels, or if you would like to know what steps to take to improve your eye health, ask the team at our family eye care center. We are always available to answer questions about red eyes, proper vision care, dry eye treatment, corrective lenses, and more. Below are a handful of our most frequently asked questions. Take a look to see what others have asked.

a beautiful middle-aged woman is comfortable with her new fashionable glasses

General Eye Care

  • What is the difference between an optometrist, ophthalmologist, and optician?

    ● An optometrist is a primary healthcare provider that specializes in assisting patients with their visual health. They perform routine eye exams and can help diagnose and treat various eye diseases.● An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor specializing in eye conditions and performing surgery. They can also perform a routine eye exam.● An optician is a professional who designs, fits, and dispenses lenses according to a patient's vision.

  • Why are regular eye exams important?

    A routine eye exam is important, no matter your age, as it is a great opportunity for the doctor to detect any problems as early as possible. A vision test will determine your overall vision health.

  • How often should I have an eye exam?

    How often you get an eye exam depends on your age and health. Children should get an annual exam to detect any changes. Patients 18-60 should have their vision checked every 1-2 years. Patients 65 and up should have their vision checked annually, or as recommended by a doctor.

  • When should I schedule an appointment?

    You should schedule an appointment if you are having difficulty driving at night, experience frequent headaches or eyestrain, have burning eyes, handle chemicals or power tools, have diseases such as diabetes or hypertension, or are experiencing other vision problems. Contact our doctors if you think you need to be seen.

Contact Lenses

  • Who can wear contact lenses?

    If you need vision correction, contact lenses are a good option for just about any prescription.

  • At what age can you start to wear contact lenses?

    Research and studies have been done and found that children as young as eight years of age are able to handle, care for, and adapt to wearing contact lenses. You, your child, and your eye doctor will be able to determine how responsible your child is to make the decision.

  • Can I sleep in my contact lenses?

    This depends on the type of lens you purchase, as well as your general eye health, and other factors. It's best to consult your eye doctor.

  • What kinds of contacts are available?

    Contacts are available in a variety of material types and have different replacement and wear schedules. From disposable contact lenses to extended-wear contacts, we can find the best fit for you and your lifestyle.

Red Eyes

  • Why are my eyes red?

    The most common reason why eyes are red is that they are inflamed. If you notice scattered red lines throughout your eyes, it is a sign that inflammation is present.
    If your eyes are red and are accompanied by intense pain or have been red for more than a few days, you should schedule an appointment.

  • What else causes red eyes?

    Red eyes can also be caused by allergies, eye fatigue, over-wearing contact lenses, or common eye infections such as pink eye (conjunctivitis). Your eyes may also become red due to environmental factors such as air pollution, smoke, dust, chemical exposure, and airborne fumes.
    In some cases, redness of the eye sometimes can be a sign of a more serious eye condition or disease, such as glaucoma.

  • What are symptoms that can accompany red eye?

    Red eyes are often associated with the following symptoms: ● Irritation or a burning feeling● Blurry vision● Eye pain● Heavy eyelids● Light sensitivity● Dry, itchy, or watery eyes● Discharge

  • What is the treatment for red eyes?

    The treatment of red eyes is dependent on the cause. If your eyes are red due to seasonal allergies, the treatment is typically antihistamine eye drops or oral medications. If your eyes are red due to an infection, then antibiotics might be required.

  • Does dry eye cause redness?

    Sometimes, your tears don’t have the texture they should. They might evaporate too fast or your eye may not be able to make tears at all. This condition is called dry eye. If you have dry eye, you may experience redness, stinging, or a gritty sensation in your eyes.

Children Eye Care

  • When should children get an eye exam?

    It is recommended that children receive their first eye exam by age 9 months.

  • What are some common symptoms of vision problems in children?

    ● Frequent eye rubbing● Sitting close to the TV ● Headaches when watching TV/reading ● Squinting or tilting head to see ● Closing one eye to read or watch TV

  • Why is it important to get children's eyes checked?

    Getting your child's vision checked is important as it helps detect any visual disorders and problems early on to prevent permanent developmental vision problems resulting from undetected eye problems.

  • What types of treatment options are available for children?

    We offer glasses, bifocal glasses, & contact lenses.

Dry Eyes

  • What is dry eye syndrome?

    Dry Eye Syndrome occurs when your eyes are not being moisturized frequently enough by tears. Ironically, the drier the eyes are, the more the cornea can become desensitized. That’s why many people get used to having chronic dry eyes. That dry eye level is now their new norm.

  • What causes dry eyes?

    Dry eyes are caused by many factors. Environment, diet, and hydration are some of the common causes. Using digital devices all day is one of the main factors contributing to dry eye syndrome.

  • What are some dry eye symptoms?

    Redness, watering, scratchiness and itchiness are common symptoms. If your eyes are exhausted at the end of the day, if you work extensively with computers/ digital devices or if you use eye drops that give you minimal relief, you likely have dry eyes.

  • What can I do to prevent dry eye?

    It is important to stay hydrated, drinking enough water throughout the day. Also, you can take nutritional supplements such as Omega-3s.

  • How do dry eyes affect vision?

    Dry eyes can cause your vision to fluctuate, making it difficult to function in daily life. It can be debilitating if it gets severe. Get a dry eye evaluation to find out more information.

  • Why are my eye drops not helping with my dry eye condition?

    There are different layers in the eye, and your eyedrops will help if you have a deficiency in the water layer. However, the eyedrops will evaporate quickly if your oil glands are blocked or if you have MGD. We focus on treating the root cause of your dry eyes and not just the symptoms.

  • Do you offer a complimentary consultation?

    Dry eye evaluations are typically $199. If you scheduled an eye exam as part of our other services, there is a complimentary Dry Eye scan and evaluation that is included. Please contact us for more information on pricing. Treatments vary from person to person depending on their evaluation.

  • What should I expect on my dry eye examination?

    During your evaluation, we will perform a Lipiscan, a screening that allows us to know if your meibomian (oil) glands are healthy or not. We will evaluate the various tear layers, cornea health, lids and lashes, and your ability to blink. Our doctors will also evaluate your environment and lifestyle to see how you can make adjustments to your daily activities to help reduce your symptoms of dry eyes.

  • What are some of the benefits of your dry eye spa treatments?

    ● Greater Eye Comfort● Fewer Dry Eye Symptoms● Sharper Vision● Stable Vision without Fluctuation
    Our goal is to eliminate your symptoms so you can see more clearly and comfortably!

  • What should I expect from my treatment for dry eyes?

    There is no cure for dry eyes as it is a multi-factorial disease of the eyes. We offer solutions and education about how to manage and maintain good eye health to reduce the symptoms of dry eyes.

  • Is my dry eye cured after doing this treatment?

    Once treated, there is still maintenance that is needed to have minimal symptoms of dry eyes. We will educate and help evaluate your lifestyle and diet as well as having solutions to address the causes of your dry eyes.

  • Why should I go to 20/20 Dry Eye Spa?

    We have a holistic approach and treat not just the symptoms. We direct our attention at the root of the problems that are causing the symptoms and educate you on lifestyle modifications to help you manage your dry eyes. We are one of the few Optometric practices that offer both the Miboflo and LipiFlow treatment options for meibomian (oil) gland dysfunction. Our 20/20 Dry Eye Spa is also proud to offer IPL (intense pulsed light therapy) as an in-office treatment.

Digital Eye Strain

  • What is digital eye strain?

    Digital eye strain is the discomfort people feel after looking at a screen or digital device for longer than two hours at a time.

  • What are the common symptoms of digital eye strain?

    Common symptoms of digital eye strain include blurred vision, dry eyes, headaches, and neck and shoulder pain.

  • How can I relieve symptoms of digital eye strain?

    There is certain eyewear you can purchase with specialized lenses to reduce the strain, as well as positioning yourself an arm's length away from your screen, increasing the text size, and taking breaks every once in a while from the screen to relax the eyes.

Eye Technology

  • What is a Lipiscan screening?

    This is a screening of the meibomian gland to structurally determine the integrity of the oil producing glands. That alone DOES NOT determine if these glands are functioning properly. A normal scan does not mean you don’t need treatment or do not have dry eyes.

  • What is IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)?

    ● Non-invasive treatment that uses high energy light pulses (not laser) to target inflammation in the skin and around the eyes.● Using IPL for treatment of dry eyes helps reduce inflammation to the meibomian glands, which are located in the eyelids and produces the oils that keep the eyes lubricated.● Effective therapy for those who have ocular rosacea, spider veins and rosacea.● Helps repair damaged cells, eradicates damaged blood vessels, and reduces inflammation to improve the function of the meibomian glands.● Improves tear production, making the eyes more comfortable and irritated.● Stimulates collagen production to improve the overall health and appearance of the skin around the eyes.● Eradicates bacteria and Demodex eye mites in around the eyelids.

  • What is Lipiflow?

    ● A 12- minute treatment designed to remove obstruction of the meibomian glands.

    ● Heat is delivered to both the inner and outer lids with a therapeutic motion.

    ● Obstruction of the glands is “flushed” out with this procedure, allowing the fresh, clean tear film to replace the old one.

  • What is Mibo Thermoflo?

    ● Continuous heat is applied over the ultrasound gel, placed on the outer eyelid skin.● Gentle eyelid massage using the Miboflo device breaks down the hardened lipids.● Muscles and tissue around the eyelids are relaxed after the 20 min. therapy.● Experience immediate relief after treatment.