Your eyes reveal a lot about your overall health. This makes going to the eye doctor once a year important for everyone, regardless if you have prescription eye glasses or contact lenses. Our comprehensive eye exam checks for the following:
1.Complete evaluation of eye symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment
2.Refraction for glasses prescription
3.Contact Lens Evaluation, performed as needed
4.Ocular motility testing/depth perceptual (3D) testing
5.Automated visual field testing
6.Eye balance testing
7.Color vision - Ishihara or Farnsworth D-15 testing
8.Glaucoma testing
9.Cataract Testing
10.Diabetes testing - use of retinal photos or dilation
11.Complete eye health assessment
12.Blood Pressure
13.Retinal examination
Most eye diseases do not display symptoms in the beginning stages, therefore you could have an issue with your eyes and not even know it. Annual eye exams are essential to early diagnosis and treatment of conditions. In more extreme cases, doing so can save you from losing your vision entirely.
Some of the most common symptoms you could experience if you have an eye disease are as follows:
1.Complete loss of peripheral vision
2.Sudden loss of vision
3.Slowly or suddenly blurred vision
4.Eye floaters
5.Sudden increased reaction to bright lights or sunlight glare
6.Eye discomfort
If you do notice yourself suffering from an eye symptom, schedule an exam as soon as possible. Ignoring a symptom can become increasingly more uncomfortable and could also make the problem much worse than it has to be. We are here to help and will be sure to evaluate all your symptoms so that we can get to the root of your issue and provide you with the best treatment possible.
We currently accept many different types of insurance.
Mon, Tues, and Thurs: 10:00 - 7:00
Wed & Friday: 10:00 - 5:00
Weekends: Closed
We are closed for lunch from 1:00 -2:00 Monday through Friday